Breeders of high quality PRE horses
Palomino colt
Born: April 4, 2024
Sired by our imported palomino PRE stallion Morante RM and out of our palomino tobiano Barock Pinto mare Dreaming of Daisies. This foal is the culmination of many years of working to create the ultimate Spanish
Sport Horse.
For several years I bred Azteca horses. They were a beautiful and athletic combination of both the Andalusian (PRE) and QH/Paint. However, they were not the vision I had when I dreamed of my ultimate Sport Horse.
That dream was Baroque, beautiful, up-headed, with movement that leaves you speechless and in my perfect world...spotted.
His hair has been sent to UC Davis for color testing.
The results are in, he is Palomino (nCr/ee/AA).
Check back, there will be a ton of pictures as he grows.